John Kennedy tips a couple Celtic players to leave

Rangers v Celtic - Ladbrokes Scottish Premiership
Rangers v Celtic - Ladbrokes Scottish Premiership / Ian MacNicol/GettyImages

With all the speculation surrounding Celtic ahead of the January transfer window, it will be very interesting to see how the squad looks come the end of next month. It is quite clear that the Hoops need to sign some players if they are to win a third straight Premiership title. On the other hand, some could head in the opposite direction.

Recently, rumours have suggested that the club are open to offers for Gustaf Lagerbielke, despite his Champions League heroics in the win against Feyenoord. Yuki Kobayashi does not seem to have much of a future at Parkhead either, having failed to make his mark since joining in January.

Nat Phillips is another centre-back who is expected to head for the exit door. He is only on a half-season loan deal from Liverpool and considering his disappointing performances, that is not expected to be extended.

Interestingly, John Kennedy faced the media recently. As reported by Football Scotland, the Celtic coach said regarding centre-backs in his press conference:

"It's a position where we have a lot of players. In January, there's probably going to have to be a couple that go and try and get some game time elsewhere and we trim the squad down a bit.

"If anything, we're probably carrying a lot of numbers so there will be a lot on the periphery who maybe need to go and get game time or move on, whatever that may be. Everyone will have their own agenda on that.

"When it comes to it at Celtic, there's going to be four or five centre-backs in every squad. At that point, it's about competing and pushing each other and be ready to step in whenever you're called up. Welshy the other night hasn't featured in a long time. He was unfortuante earlier in the season where he picked up an ankle injury but he's come in out of nowhere and did really well.

"That's what you've got to be ready for - you can come in at any moment. Cam has been the one that's been the most consistent over the years. He's an important player for us, I think everyone sees that, but certainly that all changes on a week-to-week basis. You've got to be ready to play and give your team your all."

Kennedy tips a couple Celtic players to leave

It feels like most fans would be open to the idea of Kobayashi and Phillips leaving in January. It is Lagerbielke's possible exit that could divide opinion.

Lagerbielke has not played much but the club have a good defensive record when he has been on the pitch. Also, the winner against Feyenoord has certainly boosted him in the eyes of the supporters.

At the same time, it is important to look at his attributes as well though. Lagerbielke does not have much recovery pace and he is not the greatest passer of the ball either.

Those are things that you expect a centre-back to have in Brendan Rodgers' system. So, one has to wonder why the club signed him in the summer for a transfer fee believed to be around £3 million.
