Sunday can’t come soon enough for most of us, as the Bhoys get a third crack at the four-year-old club known to some as Rangers and to us as Sevco.
Apparently Sevco have gotten their collective crap together enough to want to find a manager. Naturally no one in Scotland would touch the job with a 10-foot pole. Instead they had to reach out to Qatar to nab Portuguese manager Pedro Caixinha away from mighty Al-Gharafa.
Whomever has been on Sevco’s bench coaching this lot seems to have mattered little this season.
However, with another matchup against Sevco there can’t be a better way to celebrate all that is Celtic (and kicking Sevco’s pathetic rear-ends) than looking back at all eight goals we’ve already scored against that lot this season.
So, let’s take a look at all eight glorious moments as we get ready to trounce Sevco once again on Sunday.